IoT Settings - Connecting Grafana to the Site

IoT Settings - Connecting Grafana to the Site is available as part of the Beamo Plan(s) Enterprise.
Learn how to get more out of Beamo with Plans and Packs.


For those users using Grafana, it can be easily linked to Beamo by following the instruction.  When you connect a Grafana dashboard to the site, all the Panels in that dashboard will automatically link to the 3D Workspace in Beamo.

Note: To link the Grafana Dashboard to the site, make sure to complete the settings in Grafana first.  For detail see here.  


Who can use this feature? 

  Super Admin Site Manager Team Admin Surveyor Collaborator Viewer
Remove Site
:check_mark: :check_mark: :minus: :minus: :minus: :minus:


Connecting Grafana to the Site

1. From Home, navigate to the site that you want to connect the Grafana to.

2. Click the kebab menu next to the site name and select [Edit].

Grafana 1..png

3. Select the [IoT Settings] tab. 

4. Input your Grafana URL.  ex)

5. Click [Test Connection] to test the connection

6. Click [Save]

Once Grafana is linked to the site, you can begin creating IoT tags. See how to create the IoT Tags.

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