Learn how to get more out of Beamo with Plans and Packs.
1. Introduction
This document provides a brief guide on how to integrate Grafana with Beamo.
1.1 Features
Integrating Grafana with Beamo offers a robust monitoring solution for your digital twin platform, with features such as:
- Survey monitoring
- Alert management
- Real-time alert notifications
1.2 Security
The Beamo-Grafana integration ensures security through the following protocols:
- JWT protocol (authentication)
- HTTPS protocol (Confidentiality & Integrity)
2. Prerequisites
Before integrating, ensure you have a Grafana service deployed on a secure cloud environment. The vendor must have:
- a DNS domain
- a SSL certificate
- a server (1 CPU, 512Mb)
3. Grafana Setup
3.1 Deployment (vendor server)
Install Grafana on your server using the official documentation: Grafana Installation Guide
kubernetes case
upload the Grafana chart
helm repo add grafana https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts
deploy the Grafana chart
kubectl create namespace monitoring
helm search repo grafana/grafana
helm install my-grafana grafana/grafana --namespace monitoring
3.2 Upload the public BEAMO JWT key
Create a public.pem
file with the following content:
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
Upload this file to the Grafana server at the following location:
3.3 Configure the Grafana global settings
To configure Grafana for integration, update the grafana.ini
file with the following settings:
under [auth.jwt]
key_file: /var/lib/grafana/public.pem
auto_sign_up: true
under [security]
allow_embedding: true
Once the file is updated you need to RESTART the Grafana service.
kubernetes case:
access the file with the shell command:
kubectl edit configmap grafana -n monitoring
3.4 Access
3.4.1 admin password
After installation, please retrieve your admin credentials.
kubernetes case:
retrieve the admin password using the following command:
kubectl get secret --namespace monitoring my-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo
3.4.2 Login
Use a browser and your credentials to access the Grafana service.
After completing, continue with Beamo Setup.