Grafana Integration Guide

Grafana Integration Guide is available as part of the Beamo Plan(s) Enterprise.
Learn how to get more out of Beamo with Plans and Packs.

1. Introduction

This document provides a brief guide on how to integrate Grafana with Beamo.

1.1 Features

Integrating Grafana with Beamo offers a robust monitoring solution for your digital twin platform, with features such as:

  • Survey monitoring

Grafana 02.png

  • Alert management


  • Real-time alert notifications

Grafana 03.png

1.2 Security

The Beamo-Grafana integration ensures security through the following protocols:

  • JWT protocol (authentication)
  • HTTPS protocol (Confidentiality & Integrity)

grafana 04.png

2. Prerequisites

Before integrating, ensure you have a Grafana service deployed on a secure cloud environment. The vendor must have:

  • a DNS domain
  • a SSL certificate
  • a server (1 CPU, 512Mb)

Grafana 05 - Prerequisites.png


3. Grafana Setup

3.1 Deployment (vendor server)

Install Grafana on your server using the official documentation: Grafana Installation Guide

kubernetes case

upload the Grafana chart

helm repo add grafana

deploy the Grafana chart

kubectl create namespace monitoring helm search repo grafana/grafana helm install my-grafana grafana/grafana --namespace monitoring

3.2 Upload the public BEAMO JWT key

Create a public.pem file with the following content:

-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA3b5PSi9HZtlmslwR3Mms C1xlicVrkKU0zthJ0eQ4QLQV/HLNJuU3gf8XzvHo1DK90JGLnD05RADbCMfSMR6w ylT9ctK3rsJqKs1sadOQfSY25sFFtzV0/RBClUWKqk82V5Xo2EULha5PjHqH13qY jmVs8ySssAAsEtZdMWEEo55kXsbpT8SvJi6yXZj/ahHP8St6+C53pC0VmE75h1aU tVKllorIt+Ggakue296YrXoRNyci2a2V7KEL9XiBmjAU74rF5TWtab++4EwtATPz TabmhTtfnBRnol4AZXIC3D/c1sjOJ5+vCj1jZOxZmTL93jIm3sNeaFPMtN+m9PH2 0QIDAQAB -----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Upload this file to the Grafana server at the following location:


3.3 Configure the Grafana global settings

To configure Grafana for integration, update the grafana.ini file with the following settings:

under [auth.jwt] section

key_file: /var/lib/grafana/public.pem auto_sign_up: true

under [security] section

allow_embedding: true

Once the file is updated you need to RESTART the Grafana service.

kubernetes case:

access the file with the shell command:

kubectl edit configmap grafana -n monitoring

3.4 Access

3.4.1 admin password

After installation, please retrieve your admin credentials.

kubernetes case:

retrieve the admin password using the following command:

kubectl get secret --namespace monitoring my-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo

3.4.2 Login

Use a browser and your credentials to access the Grafana service.

Grafana 06-Grafana login.png

After completing, continue with Beamo Setup.


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