Blurring an image using auto-blur

Blurring an image using auto-blur is available as part of the Beamo Plan(s) Pro, Enterprise.
Learn how to get more out of Beamo with Plans and Packs.


Blur all faces automatically from a single point or from the entire survey.

Who can use this feature? 

  Super Admin Site Manager Team Admin Surveyor Collaborator Viewer
3D Editor :check_mark: :check_mark: :check_mark: :check_mark: :minus: :minus:

Auto Face Blurring for a single image


  1. Click [Brush] on the top left of the image viewer. Select a 360 image. 

  2. Click [Face icon] button to automatically blur all faces from a single point.

  3. Click [Save] to save the blur effects.

Auto Face Blurring for the whole survey




    1. Click the [Settings] right above the 3D Editor screen.

    2. Click [Auto blur all scenes] on the image viewer.

    3. This will automatically blur all faces from all points in the entire survey.

Caution: The auto face blur function can only be used once. It can’t be canceled once it’s applied.




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