Managing the comment hashtag is available as part of the Beamo Plan(s)
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Who can use this feature?
Super Admin |
Site Manager |
Team Admin¹ |
Surveyor | Collaborator | Viewer | |
Hushtag |
1. Team Admins manage hashtags for their own teams.
Creating hushtags.
1. From Home, navigate to the settings page.
2. Click [Teams] under User Management. The full list of all the teams is displayed in your Space.
3. Hover and click on the team to enter the Team Profile.
4. Go to the [Hashtag] tab.
5. Create new hashtag by inputing the name and [Add]. The newly created hastag will be in Active.
Tip: You can directly create the hashtag in the Comment.
Created hashtag will be visible in the Comment Hashtag suggestion.
Deleting the hashtag
You can either soft delete or hard delete the hashtag.
Soft delete: inactivated
- Move the hashtag from Active to Inactive.
- Soft deleted hashtag will not be displayed in Comment Hashtag suggestion any longer so user cannot add soft deleted Hashtag.
Hard delete: delete permanently
- Delete the Hashtag in the Inactive (Soft deleted Hashtag) to hard-delete.
- Hard deleted Hashtags will disappear from Comments
Note: Deleting tag does not delete comments.