Conducting a time comparison

Conducting a time comparison is available as part of the Beamo Plan(s) Pro, Enterprise.
Learn how to get more out of Beamo with Plans and Packs.


Compare two surveys captured on different dates on the same plan.  

Who can use this feature? 

  Super Admin Site Manager Team Admin Surveyor Collaborator Viewer
3D workspace :check_mark: :check_mark: :check_mark: :check_mark: :check_mark: :check_mark:

Time Comparison


1. Click the [Time Comparison ] button on the sidebar.

2. The screen is split in two, the right side of the screen shows the most recent version of past surveys. Select a date from the survey selector to show a survey taken on a different date. 

3. If you want to display a four-sided screen, click the layout icon in the lower left of the screen and select [2X2].


If you want to change back to bisection, select [1X2].

4. Click [sync icon] to enable or disable [the sync view] between surveys.

5. Click [close] to go back to the normal 3D Workspace.

Note: If there are no points within close range to the point in the main view that you can compare,
'No closest point available for comparison' message is displayed.

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