Deleting site, plan and survey permanently

Deleting site, plan and survey permanently is available as part of the Beamo Plan(s) Essential, Pro, Enterprise.
Learn how to get more out of Beamo with Plans and Packs.


Deleted sites and plans are moved to Recovery, where they are restored for 30 days. After 30 days, they are deleted forever.  You can also choose to delete it permanently before 30 days.

Who can use this feature? 

  Super Admin Site Manager Team Admin Surveyor Collaborator Viewer
Restore site/floor :check_mark: :check_mark: :minus: :minus: :minus: :minus:

Restoring a deleted site or plan


  1. Click the [Settings] in the header. 
  2. Select the Recovery under DATA MANAGEMENT.
  3. Select the [Site] or [Plan] tab on the top of the recovery page.
  4. Select the Site or Plan to be recovered by clicking the kebab menu [・・・] on the right end.
  5. Select [Delete forever].
  6. Click [Delete] to confirm the action.

Caution: If you delete the site/plan permanently, the associated surveys will be deleted permanently.  

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