Getting started with Meet

Getting started with Meet is available as part of the Beamo Plan(s) Enterprise.
Learn how to get more out of Beamo with Plans and Packs.


Connect with anyone via a video call within the 3D Workspace.

Note: Meet is currently only available for 1:1 sessions. Multiple users will be supported in the future.

Who can use this feature? 

  Super Admin Site Manager Team Admin Surveyor Collaborator Viewer
Host session :check_mark: :check_mark: :check_mark: :check_mark: :check_mark: :minus:


  Host Guest
Display option control :check_mark: :minus:
Present screen :check_mark: :check_mark:
Video options :check_mark: :check_mark:
Audio options :check_mark: :check_mark:
Name Configuration :check_mark: :check_mark:

Note: Meet is started by a logged-in user. The user is the Host. The person who joins the session is the Guest. If there are two logged-in users, the first user to join will be the Host.

Display Toggle Options 

  • Mini-map
  • Tags
  • Measurements

Note: Display options are view-only. Users are unable to create or save new content during the Meet session. 

Starting a session


  1. From the 3D Workspace, click the [Video] icon. This creates a session with a unique URL.

  2. Configure the video and audio settings. Check the name and click [Join].

  3. Configure the display options by clicking the [Options] button in the footer.

  4. Copy and paste the Shortened URL (on the bottom left corner) or the URL directly from the browser and share it with the guest. 

Note: The host should be present in the session before a guest joins. 

Joining a session

  1. Join a session with the URL shared by the host. 

  2. Enable the browser's mic and camera access. 

  3. Configure the mic and camera settings.

  4. Create a display name.

  5. Click [Join].

Note: If there is already a guest in the session,  a "Room is full" message will be displayed. 

Leaving a session

Leave a session by clicking the [End] button on the bottom right or by closing the browser tab. 

Note: Leaving with the [End] button ends the session for everyone.


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