Setting the survey as "navigating arrow only" in the 3D Editor

Setting the survey as "navigating arrow only" in the 3D Editor is available as part of the Beamo Plan(s) Essential, Pro, Enterprise.
Learn how to get more out of Beamo with Plans and Packs.


Set your survey as "navigating arrow only" if you don't want to show the hotspot in the 3D Workspace.

Who can use this feature?

  Super Admin Site Manager Team Admin Surveyor Collab-
3D Editor check_mark_32.png check_mark_32.png check_mark_32.png check_mark_32.png minus_32.png minus_32.png

Setting "Navigating arrow only


Editor>Setting>arrow only survey.png

  1. Click [Settings] on top of the viewer.
  2. Toggle on [Arrow only navigation].
  3. Click [Save] on the top right of the screen.  




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