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3D Editor
3D Editor
Getting started with 3D Editor
Navigating the 3D Editor
Navigating the plan tool in the 3D Editor
Creating a survey (Manually creating a survey with own 360° images)
Editing your points
Editing outdoor survey point's location (Beta Version)
Copying + Pasting points (3D Editor)
Editing the location of the survey points (3D Editor)
Adding survey points (3D Editor)
Removing, restoring, and deleting survey points (3D Editor)
Editing the point rotation (3D Editor)
See all 7 articles
Editing the plan
Editing the plan of the previous survey
Replacing the plan of the previous survey
Editing your survey
Setting 'Displaying all the points in 3D Workspace
Setting camera height in 3D Editor
Setting ceiling heights in the 3D Editor
Blurring an image manually
Blurring an image using auto-blur
Setting the 'opening' view of the survey
See all 7 articles
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