Setting the point range for comparison (Master plan)

Setting the point range for comparison (Master plan) is available as part of the Beamo Plan(s) Essential, Pro, Enterprise.
Learn how to get more out of Beamo with Plans and Packs.


Set the range for comparing points. 

Who can use this feature?

  Super Admin Site Manager Team Admin1 Surveyor Collab-

Edit plan

check_mark_32.png check_mark_32.png check_mark_32.png minus_32.png minus_32.png minus_32.png

Note: 1. Team admins can only update the plans they have permission to access.

1. From the side panel of the home screen, select your site, then select the plan you want to edit.

2. Click the kebab menu right next to the plan name and select [Plan Manager].

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3. Click [Plan setting] on the bottom-left of the plan manager.
Screenshot 2024-02-19 at 4.38.55 PM.png

4. In the Point range for comparison, select the distance you want to use when comparing between points.

5. Click [Save and apply].

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