Announcing Tags in the 3D Workspace

Announcing Tags in the 3D Workspace is available as part of the Beamo Plan(s) Pro, Enterprise.
Learn how to get more out of Beamo with Plans and Packs.


Tags can be set as callouts to announce important information. 

Who can use this feature?

  Super Admin1 Site Manager2 Team Admin3 Surveyor4 Collab-
Edit Tag check_mark_32.png check_mark_32.png check_mark_32.png check_mark_32.png check_mark_32.png minus_32.png

Note: 1, 2. Data added by the Super Admin and Site Manager within the 3D workspace is shared/visible to all teams unless a particular team is specified. 

3, 4, 5, 6. Permissions are limited within the scope of their team. 

Announcing the Tag

Use the announce feature to pin the Tag and prominently convey important information in the survey to other users.

  1. Follow the steps in the "Add a Tag" to create a Tag.

  2. Check the [Announce] checkbox located on the bottom left of the side panel.

  3. Click [Save].

  4. Check the announcement pinned on the right side of the Tag.

Show this content in 3D Workspace

Enabling Show this content in 3D Workspace not only displays the Tag's description in the callout, but also the attached content (PDF, image, video) or the embedded content of the Tag.

  1. Follow the steps in the "Add a Tag" to create a Tag.
  2. Check the Show this content in 3D Workspace box located on the bottom left of the side panel.
  3. Click [Save].
  4. Check the callout showing the content of the Tag

Viewing the announcement

  1. Scroll down to see all the details of the announcement.

  2. When two Tags overlap, the closest one will be displayed. To see the other announcement, hover your mouse over it.

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