All user accounts are created by the Super Admin or Team Admin(within the team), followed by an email verification step.
Who can use this feature?
Super Admin | Site Manager | Team Admin | Surveyor | Collaborator | Viewer | |
Create user Account |
Note: Your space ID is shown in the invitation email. You will need to have your user ID when you log in to the app.
1. Click [Beam Up] on the invitation email. You will be taken to the account creation page.
2. Type in your name and password.
Passwords must:
Be longer than 12 characters.
Include at least 1 number.
include at least 1 lowercase letter.
Include at least 1 uppercase letter.
Include at least 1 symbol (special character).
3. Checkmark after reading Beamo Privacy Policy and Beamo SaaS Terms.
4. Click [Join] to set up the account.
Caution: The email verification link will expire in 30 days after it is sent.
Note: The email address cannot be edited after creating the account.