Adding Tags in the 3D Workspace

Adding Tags in the 3D Workspace is available as part of the Beamo Plan(s) Pro, Enterprise.
Learn how to get more out of Beamo with Plans and Packs.


Tags help highlight information in the 3D Workspace that is not visible in the 360° image by adding an extra description to the captured environment. The Tag can contain images, videos, documents, general files, or links to other sites. There is also the option of an iframe Tag that allows embeddable content to be displayed.

Pinning a Tag will add a callout that shows their description.

Who can use this feature?

  Super Admin1 Site Manager2 Team Admin3 Surveyor4 Collab-
Add Tag check_mark_32.png check_mark_32.png check_mark_32.png check_mark_32.png check_mark_32.png minus_32.png

Note: 1, 2. Data added by the Super Admin and Site Manager within the 3D Workspace is shared/visible to all teams unless a particular team is specified. 

3, 4, 5, 6. Permissions are limited within the scope of their team. 

Adding a Tag


  1. Click [+Add] on the Tag list and select [Tag] to create a Tag.

  2. Drag the Tag icon itself in the 3D Workspace to edit the height or change the position of the Tag by moving the white circle under the tag icon. 

  3. Enter Tag Title (required). Customize the type and color of the Tag icons.

  4. Upload media  (image, video, or PDF file) and preview them on the Tag list.

  5. Set whether to display the media within the 3D Workspace using the toggle button.

  6. Click [Embed code] to place a Tag with embeddable content and paste <iframe>, <embed> or a link to add the content.

  7. Enter the width and height of the Tag to be displayed in the 3D Workspace. If the pasted html-element contains a width and height information, this will be displayed and used in the boxes.

  8. Enable [Show this content in 3D Workspace] to display the content of HTML in the 3D Workspace.

  9. Inspect the embedded content in the preview window (Note: The content is scaled to fit the side panel width)

  10. Add the Tag information and/or other attachments and URLs. To create hyperlinks, select the text in the info field and click the hyperlink icon to enter the URL. 
  11. Click [Save]. The file’s icon will depend on the content of the Tag.


  • There is no limit on the number of Tags that can be added to the survey. You can attach the file types below:
    • Media: MOV, MP4, AVI, WMV, FLV, JPG, PNG, GIF, TIF

    • Document: PDF, DOC(X), PPT(X), XLS(X), TXT, RTF, ZIP

  • A working server configuration is required to display the content in the Beamo 3D Workspace. Please add the domain "" to CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing) in the Nginx or Apache server configuration when using Tags to embed content.
  • The tags displayed in the tag list are ordered by number, alphabet (in ascending order).

Caution: Files added to one Tag may not exceed a total of 100 MB, and each Tag may only have a maximum of 5 file attachments. 


Adding a folder

  1. Click [+Add] on the Tag list and select [Folder] to create a folder.
  2. Enter the name of the folder. 
  3. Drag and drop a Tag into a folder 
  4. To remove a Tag, drag and drop it to [←Back] button on top. 
  5. Hover over the [kebab menu] button of the folder to [Rename] or [Delete]. When deleting a folder, all the Tags contained in the folder will be removed.
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